
The following information is a rough idea of how the process should go toward ordering a product from me.

logo design
After you contact me and after discussions about any details needed to represent your needs for a logo I will provide three rough drafts.
I can e-mail them to you as a .pdf (need Acrobat Reader to view) or I can post them on a neutral website for you to look over.

Contact me and after discussion of the type of brochure and direction you have in mind I will provide a rough daft for your approval.

electronic slide show
From your discussions and examples, photos or any other reference material I will create a slide show done in PowerPoint for Windows. You will be able to view the presentation for changes or approval. If you have a PC and PowerPoint you will be able to use this presentation on your PC workstation or laptop. If you are one of the fortunate ones you can hook your computer up to a digital projector and run the presentation from your PC or laptop to show to large audiences on a large projector screen or a smooth light wall.

web site creation & design
Contact me for details on creating your website. I will get a feel for what details about your company or product that you want represented. As I create the website you will be able to view it while under construction. Any photos, illustrations, diagrams, charts, rough sketches, descriptions, etc. will have to be shared with me for scanning or creating from scratch. Hard copy or electronic files can be used for my reference needs.

web site illustration
Photos, illustrations, diagrams, charts, rough sketches, descriptions, etc. will have to be shared with me for scanning or creating from scratch. Hard copy or electronic files can be used for my reference needs. Once I get a feel for what you want illustrated I will do a draft for your revisions or approval.

web site animations
Contact me and we will discuss what type of animation you have in mind for your website. I will post the animation on a neutral website for you to view while under construction. Any photos, illustrations, diagrams, charts, rough sketches, descriptions, etc. will help me in designing your animation.

photo restoration
Contact me we will discuss how to send me the photos or documents that you want restored. I usually do this by scanning the original and create electronic file and from that and then it will be printed off a service bureau's printer. I do not restore your original but provide you with a representation of the original.

A Caricature is drawn on a computer using professional art programs. The final product measures 11x17 with a ¼" margin for placing behind a matte to prepare for framing. I do not supply the matte or the frame. The cost is $50 - a real bargain.


I will need to have at least three pictures (one needs to be a close-up) for reference. These can be sent to me via e-mail or U.S. mail. If the pictures are sent in the mail, be sure and enclose a self-addressed envelope with a stamp so that I can return the images back to you. I will need an e-mail address or phone number for any questions I may have in regard to the caricature.


A question and answer form will be made available to fill in all the info about the person that I will use as reference items for creating the caricature.

Example of Questions:

Color of eyes, pet peeves, idiosyncrasies, embarrassing moments, tidbits, awards, certificates, failures, accomplishments, favorite drink(s), bumper stickers, special sayings, pet names and anything I can use to fill in the background of the setting the subject will be appearing in.


Unfortunately there's only one of me, and I will need time to create the artwork and finalize for shipping the finished product to you. Please allow plenty of lead-time for the creation of the item(s) you are requesting.

For More Information:
Contact me at

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