Welcome to artcaboose.com

Thank you for taking the time to visit my web site. Visitors can view some of my artwork and things that I can
do for you such as:

LOGO DESIGN - a symbol that quickly says who you are - General Motors and Ford Motor Company's logos have been saying it for decades.

BROCHURE - color or black and white designed marketing pieces designed to get your message out to the world of consumers.

ELECTRONIC SLIDE PRESENTATION - a way of taking your story about your company or product with you electronically on your computer.

WEB SITE CREATION & DESIGN - take your business and extend your company or product to the world's information super highway.

WEB SITE ILLUSTRATION - the customer that views your company or product needs to see visually who and what your company is.

WEB SITE ANIMATION ELEMENTS - bring animated visuals to your web page and make them more interesting. I specialize in "quick-loading" animation.

CARICATURE (care-i-ka-chur) - a picture or verbal description that ludicrously exaggerates the characteristics of the subject being depicted.

PHOTO RESTORATION - restoring that precious photo or document that is a piece of your family history for others to enjoy in the future.

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